Stories about animals sighted in Unit 43B

 Please submit any animal stories and photos of animals sighted in or near our community, to
 Bobby in the hood

3/15/23 - Georgia saw this Bobcat walk past our front door a little while ago.  I took my trusty Sony camera out and shot it.  Not to kill but to preserve for eternity or another story for another day.  Sandy & Georgia Horvath

 Knock, knock, send out your rabbits. 
4/21/23 - We had a wonderful surprise just before that knock on our door.  A white car pulled into our driveway, so I went out to see who it was.  I was happily surprised to see Mason & Emily, our grandkids from North Bend step out of the car. They are pregnant with Baker Mathew McRae, aka Firecracker, due on the 4th of July.  A little while later Georgia shouted take a photo, with her iPhone in her hand.  Mason quickly took his and shot the beast.  Sandy & Georgia Horvath🤠 

July 12, 2024. Please excuse me while I take a break on Wanda's grill.

 Gary Halperin took this photo of a hawk that day on his patio. Same or Mates?